Bauanleitung in deutscher Sprache auf

Schulterschild (Sode) einer japanischen Samurai Rüstung selber machen

English Language:

Developing a pattern for the top of the sode (shoulder shield)

Japanese armor shows a large variety of shoulder shields. I decided to build my sode from kozane (lamellar plates) and decided for a style similar to what experts call Tôsei Sode. Even though I used kozane (plates) I needed to design a top plate which I intended to fix the lamella shield to.  I wanted to top plate to be straight.


However, first of all, some bands of scales needed to be build.


The band of scales is coming into existence.

The band of scales is coming into existence.

Bands of scales are now laced together to an entire shoulder shield.

Bands of scales are now laced together to an entire shoulder shield.


Bands of plates/scales laced together to an entire shoulder shield

Bands of plates/scales laced together to an entire shoulder shield





Pattern for shoulder holders and the base plate cut out of a kydex plate.

Pattern for shoulder holders and the base plate cut out of a kydex plate.